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Support deaf children today

For a child, every day should be an adventure – a chance to meet new friends and explore the world. But deaf children are missing out. 

Bullied for being different. Let down by schools that don’t support them. Too many deaf children grow up isolated and lonely. 

With your support, we can be there for every deaf child who needs us. Together we can overcome the barriers that hold deaf children back. 

By committing to a regular contribution of at least £2 a month, and becoming one of our supporters, you will be entitled to receive:

  • An exclusive full colour magazine full of stories about deaf children and their families, keeping you up to date with the work of the National Deaf Children's Society
  • A complimentary National Deaf Children's Society children's T-shirt




Help us help more deaf children. A monthly contribution greatly improves our ability to provide ongoing support.

£8.50 a month could provide four sign language classes each year that could help parents in Kenya to communicate with their deaf child for the first time

£10 a month could give Helpline support to 10 families in the UK each year with vital information and often desperately needed reassurance.